sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Discover PINGRID, complete Chinese vocabulary game

Make your learning time 100% useful

Pingrid was born as a clever game designed to learn Chinese vocabulary.
Later, it incorporated a powerful spaced repetition model, to detect the words you need to train and therefore make your learning time 100% useful.

What makes Pingrid unique is that it is completely tailored for Chinese. In Chinese, you need to learn the 3-way relation between writing, meaning and pronunciation. 

Pingrid combines two game modes.

1: Picking words

2: Handwriting
Picking words in the grid lets you associate word, sound and meaning.
Its power: super fast training. Priceless when you are serious about learning and have sizeable vocabulary to absorb.
Handwriting lets you draw characters with the mouse.
Its power: active memorization. If you can write a word, then you are much more certain to recognize it.

Pingrid's adaptive, spaced repetition model directs your effort to the words that do need repetition. No more cramming, your training time is 100% useful.

Get the installer from the Download box in the left part of this page.
This is a self-extracting file that installs or updates Pingrid automatically.
Pingrid is a one-man effort. Please donate to support developments and updates. You can try out Pingrid for free, but if you like it and continue using it, it is only fair to contribute a small amount, don't you think?
Suggested amount is $15, any amount is welcome-- feedback from users is a treat!
make it speak
To install a Chinese voice on your computer, follow the step-by-step instructions here.
try Pablo
Be sure to check out Pablo,
a great Chinese-English dictionary for beginners.

For tips and support, visit the online forum at: http://pablopingrid.freeforums.net